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Hello! My name is Hanna Usatenko.
I am a social entrepreneur!


My love for reading invited me to the publishing business. By profession, I am a psychologist. Since the beginning of my professional career I've communicated with colleagues from various countries and studied their experience, as well as literature. Since 2015, I have been implementing a project of publishing developmental books and games that help children with special educational needs learn to communicate successfully. My experience in business (i.e. distribution, banking, personnel management) helps me build this project, and my biggest inspiration is the children who grow up with our publications.

Who we are?

Our mission

Our activities


"DyvoGra" — toys and literature for inclusive education and communication development.

We strive to provide equal opportunities for learning and development of children with special educational needs.

The social enterprise develops its own educational materials and republishes the best educational books for children with special educational needs in Ukraine. We develop and distribute toys for speech therapy, products for psychological activities with children. We are forming a community of specialists and parents of children with special educational needs.

We are working on an online store of products for the development and leisure of children, where buyers will be able to see products adapted for such users in one place. We are spreading the culture of using specially designed books and toys in inclusive education and learning at home.

Kyiv, Ukraine


Get in touch
+38 (067) 135 71 66 
+38 (093) 792 62 32

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