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Impact Business Acceleration Program: successfully completed the First Module

During this initial stage, the focus was on the impact of entrepreneurship, covering important topics such as mission, vision, and social impact. Furthermore, some of our participants have shared their impressions of the first module.

Відгуки наших учасників

"The first module was an opportunity for us to conduct another brainstorming of ideas and clearly focus on the main KPIs of the project. We are already actively communicating with other participants on the subject of cooperation, we have had key meetings with mentors. The effect of meetings is that you gain X5 speed, your scaling horizons increase, glass ceilings disappear, and your professional circle of communication increases. We are entering the second module with a new concept of sorting stations, so every interaction in the program now is an opportunity to build a permanent basis for our idea in the future."

"Despite the fact that we have some experience in social entrepreneurship, we found the first module informative and useful.

Also, this week we had an introductory meeting with a mentor who immediately gave us useful advice on increasing sales in the B2B segment. We are confident that the experience and expertise of our mentor will help our team achieve significant results upon completion of the project."

Impact Business Acceleration Program, initiated by Impact Force in partnership with SILab Ukraine, is powered by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, and the national project Diia.Business.


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